Lab 4 - Predator-Prey Interactions


Charles Lehnen

Melissa Guzman

Cameron Egan

Predator-Prey Interactions

We will now begin looking at interactions between multiple species. Throughout this lab, we will model predator/prey interactions in increasingly complex and realistic ways. We will start with simple functional responses, then move to Lotka-Volterra models and Rosenzweig-MacArthur models.

Functional Responses

\(aN\) describes the rate at which a prey kills/consumes its prey (population size \(N\)) at an attack rate \(a\).

So \(aN\) can be used to describe the functional response of a single individual predator. We can plot the number of prey available by the number of prey killed per unit time:

a <- 0.1
df <- data.frame(N = c(0, 10))

ggplot(data = df, aes(x = N)) +
  stat_function(fun = function(N) a * N) +
  labs(x = "Prey Density", y = "Prey Killed Per Predator")

Anonymous Functions in ggplot2 with stat_function()

Just like we saw in the previous lab with the sapply() function, stat_function(fun = function(x) x) provides a way to use an anonymous function in ggplot2. Remember, anonymous functions are unnamed functions used directly in code for quick calculations or plots. In this case: - x inside the function parentheses is the parameter passed to the function. - x after the function(x) term defines the actual function

These functions are useful for adding simple curves or expressions directly to your plots without creating a separate named function.

Do you think the trend seen in this curve is realistic in nature? Why or why not?
  • Following this example, the predator always consume a fixed proportion of prey no matter how many prey the predator has already consumed. This curve represents a Type I functional response.

  • In reality, predator consumption will often reach a saturation point when the predator has eaten enough prey.

Type II responses are more frequently seen in nature:

\[ \frac{aN}{1 + ahN} \]

What are each of the terms in this equation?

  • \(a\) = attack rate
  • \(h\) = handling time
When are Type II responses seen in nature?
  • Specialist predators

Now plot a Type II functional response with a handling time of 50:

a <- 0.1
h <- 50
df <- data.frame(N = c(0, 10))

ggplot(data = df, aes(x = N)) +
  stat_function(fun = function(N) a * N / (1 + a * h * N)) +
  labs(x = "Prey Density", y = "Prey Killed Per Predator")

In contrast, when do we typically see Type III responses?
  • Generalist predators
  • Predators that switch foraging effort adaptively

\[ \frac{\frac{1}{h}N^{2}}{(\frac{1}{ah})^{2} + N^{2}} = \frac{cN^{2}}{d^{2} + N^{2}} \]

Where \(c = \frac{1}{h}\) is the maximum consumption rate and \(d = \frac{1}{ah}\) is the half-saturation constant.

Plot a Type III functional response with d = 3.5 and c = 0.02:

c <- 0.02
d <- 3.5
df <- data.frame(N = c(0, 10))

ggplot(data = df, aes(x = N)) +
  stat_function(fun = function(N) c * N^2 / (d^2 + N^2)) +
  labs(x = "Prey Density", y = "Prey Killed Per Predator")

Here is an alternative equation to represent functional response curves:

\[ F = \frac{bN^{1+q}}{1+bhN^{1+q}} \]

As another way to represent functional response curves, the code below is represented as a dataframe.


# Set argument values
b <- 0.1 
q <- 0  
h <- 0  

# Plot the function using ggplot2 and stat_function()
ggplot(data = df, aes(x = N)) +
  stat_function(fun = function(N)  b * N^(1 + q) / (1 + b * h * N^(1 + q))) +
  labs(x = "Prey Density", y = "Prey Killed Per Predator")

What do you notice as you vary the values of the terms for your plot? (initially set b = 0.1, q = 0, and h = 0)

We find that all response curves can be modeled in the same equation:

  • If \(q>0\), we have a Type III response curve

  • If \(q = 0\), we have a Type II response curve

  • if \(q=0\) and \(h = 0\), then we have a Type I response curve

Agent-Based Models

Explore the agent-based model below:

Agent-based Models

Compared to other simulation types that attempt to simulate systems as a whole, agent-based models are a type of simulation where the behavior of individual units (agents) are simulated. This allows us to observe the additive result of how individual behaviors and/or interactions might affect the system as a whole.

Select the model version sheep-wolves. Click setup to set-up the model based on your settings. Use the go button to start and stop the simulation.

What do you notice about the synchronicity between the sheep and wolf populations?
  • There is a lag between the population dynamics of the 2 species.

This is seen throughout predator-prey dynamics, including the famous lynx–snowshoe hare cycle, based on data from the Hudson Bay Trading.

Challenge: Modify the settings to stabilize the system so that neither population becomes extinct. What do you find?
  • It is impossible to stabilize the system.
  • Note: most stable settings I have found
    • Initial sheep = 103
    • Initial wolves = 78
    • Sheep gain from food = 3
    • Wolf gain from food = 21
    • Sheep reproduce = 3
    • Wolf reproduce = 5

Change the model version to sheep-wolves-grass. Before running the simulation, what do you expect to happen?

Now run the simulation and modify the settings to stabilize the system.

What do you find?
  • The system easily stabilizes.
Why is this the case?
  • The simulation results above are in agreement with the ecological theory that an odd number of species in a food network is required for stability.

Lotka-Volterra Models

In R, we can construct a simple Lotka-Volterra model to simulate single predator/prey interactions.

\[ \begin{array}{l} \frac{dN}{dt} \ =\ rN\ -\ aNP\\ \\ \frac{dP}{dt} \ =\ faNP\ -\ qP \end{array} \]

These terms refer to:

\[ \begin{array}{l} r\ =\ prey\ per\ capita\ growth\ rate\\ N\ =\ number\ of\ prey\ species\ individuals\\ a\ =\ per\ capita\ attack\ rate\\ P\ =\ number\ of\ predator\ species\ individuals\\ f\ =\ predator\ efficiency\\ q\ =\ predator\ per\ capita\ mortality\ rate \end{array} \]

Remember from last lab, \(r\) is generally used for continuously reproducing populations

In the absence of a predator, would the terms for prey population growth be density dependent or independent?
  • Density independent

It is just a growth rate and the population size like we saw last lab in our density independent formula:

\[ N_{t} \ =\ r N_{0} \]

Now let’s create a function for the Lotka-Volterra model in R. We can write differential equations in R using the ordinary differential equation (ODE) package deSolve(Soetaert, Petzoldt, and Setzer 2010) following the format:

function_name <- function(y, x, parameters) {
  X <- x[1]
  with(as.list(params), {
    dX.dy <- X # complete formula here

R’s ordinary differential equation (ODE) solver deSolve() can be used to analyze population growth. ODEs are commonly used to calculate rates of change in order to model dynamic systems.


If you have trouble installing, try the following:

install.packages("", repos=NULL, type="source")}

If after restarting Rstudio/R that does not work, try the following:

library(devtools)  # Double check the most up to date version 
install_version("deSolve", version = "1.34", repos = "")}

If neither option works and you are using a Mac, you can try the following in a Homebrew command line:

 brew install wget wget R CMD INSTALL deSolve_1.34.tar.gz

Now you try to use this format to define an ODE function for the prey (dN.dt) and predator (dP.dt) Lotka-Volterra models named lotka_volterra

lotka_volterra <- function(t, x, params) {
  N <- x[1]
  P <- x[2]
  with(as.list(params), {
    dN.dt <- r * N - a * P * N
    dP.dt <- f * a * P * N - q * P
    return(list(c(dN.dt, dP.dt)))
Namespaces in R

In the example below we call an example using this format package::function().

Namespaces are used to organize functions, data, and other objects within a package. The double colon operator allows us to explicitly access a namespace within a specified package.

We are implicitly accomplishing this same task whenever we run a package function or access a package dataset after loading that package using library() or require(). The double colon allows us to do these same tasks explicitly, either to avoid conflicts with a function/dataset from another package with the same name (as above) or to be more explicit programmers.

Now let’s run our model and observe the outcome:

Warning: package 'deSolve' was built under R version 4.4.2
parms <- c(
  r = 0.5,
  a = 0.01,
  f = 0.1,
  q = 0.2  

Time <- seq(0, 200, by = 0.1)

lotka_volterra.out <- deSolve::ode(c(N0 = 25, P0 = 5), times = Time, func = lotka_volterra, parms = parms)

df_lotka_volterra <- data.frame(Time, lotka_volterra.out)

ggplot(df_lotka_volterra, aes(x = Time)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = P0), color = "red") +
  geom_line(aes(y = N0), color = "black") +
  labs(x = "Time", y = "Population Size")

What do you notice about the plot?
  • Like in the agent-based models and the lynx-snowshoe hare cycle, we see a lag between predator and prey population peaks.

  • We also see prey population peaks much higher than predator population peaks. The model was constructed this way to reflect what is seen in nature.

Now take some time to alter the argument values, including the starting population size, and observe what happens. Also note if you are able to have populations fully stabilize to a node or if they continue to oscillate?
  • What we are observing is called a “neutral cycle.” The populations oscillate indefinitely. The populations are unstable because population sizes never move towards a stable node.

  • The only way the population sizes converge to a node is through extinction which, as discussed in last lab, is an unstable equilibrium point.

  • Note that if you set the initial predator population size P0 to 0, the prey population grows exponentially in a density-independent manner.

Rosenzweig-MacArthur Models

Michael Rosenzweig (a graduate student at the time) and his adviser Robert MacArthur had issues with the applicability of the Lotka-Volterra in natural systems.

Especially the often inaccurate assumptions we have discussed in the past two labs: the Type I response of predators and the density-independence of prey populations. Because of these, Rosenzweig and MacArthur made the following changes to the model:

  1. Predators would be unlikely to follow a Type I response due to:

    • Predators would become satiated and/or

    • Handling time (h) would physically limit the number of prey a predator could consume

  2. In the absence of predators, prey would become self limiting (density-dependent)

These changes can be integrated into the predator portion of the Lotka-Volterra formula as:

\[ \frac{dP}{dt} \ =\ \frac{faNP}{1\ +\ ahN} \ -\ qP \]

As for the prey portion, we can add the handling time as follows:

\[ \frac{dN}{dt} \ =\ rN\ -\ \frac{aNP}{1\ +\ ahN} \]

Remember from last lab we modeled density-dependent growth. How would we incorporate density-dependence into the Lotka-Volterra model formula?
  • We need to incorporate the carrying capacity, \(K\), into the model. From last we saw that we can represent density-dependent population growth as:

\[ \frac{dN}{dt} \ =\ rN\left( 1\ -\ \frac{N}{K}\right) \]

Therefore, to incorporate into our model we would write:

\[ \frac{dN}{dt} \ =\ rN\left( 1\ -\ \frac{N}{K}\right) \ -\ \frac{aNP}{1\ +\ ahN} \]

Now put this all together and integrate these additional parameters into the Lotka-Volterra R function we constructed above to write the function rosenzweig_macarthur.

rosenzweig_macarthur <- function(t, x, parms) {
  N <- x[1]
  P <- x[2]
  with(as.list(parms), {
    dN.dt <- r * N * (1 - (N / K)) - (a * P * N)/(1 + a * h * N)
    dP.dt <- ((f * a * P * N)/(1 + a * h * N)) - q * P
    return(list(c(dN.dt, dP.dt)))

Then, call this function using the deSolve::ode function like we did above with h <- 0.1 and K <- 1000 (keep other argument values the same) and plot with ggplot2.

parms <- c(
  r = 0.5,
  a = 0.01,
  q = 0.2,
  f = 0.1,
  h = 0.1,
  K = 1000

Time <- seq(0, 200, by = 0.1)

rosenzweig_macarthur.out <- deSolve::ode(c(N0 = 25, P0 = 5), times = Time, func = rosenzweig_macarthur, parms = parms)

df_rosenzweig_macarthur <- data.frame(Time, rosenzweig_macarthur.out)

ggplot(df_rosenzweig_macarthur, aes(x = Time)) +
  geom_line(aes(y = P0), color = "red") +
  geom_line(aes(y = N0), color = "black") +
  labs(x = "Time", y = "Population Size")

Modify the new argument values of handling time and carrying capacity that we just introduced into our model. Make a hypothesis and then test it by modifying the argument values

Warning: package 'patchwork' was built under R version 4.4.2

What do you observe?
  • Increasing carrying capacity increases the height of the prey population size each cycle before the predator interaction drives the prey population size downwards again. This destabilizes the system because the prey population is not trending towards a node. This concept is called the “paradox of enrichment.”

  • Decreasing the carrying capacity causes the prey population size to drop in a density-independent manner towards stabilization at K.

  • Decreasing the handling time causes prey population to stabilize towards a node. The predator is said to be “controlling” the prey population when it is keeping the prey population in-check.

  • Increasing the handling time allows the prey population to “escape” the control of the predator. Note that this escape is self-limiting, the prey population size converges at K.

What happens if we increase predator efficiency? Make a hypothesis and then test it by modifying the argument values

What do you observe?
  • We see collapse of the entire system. The prey is driven to extinction which leads to the extinction of the predator.

    • f low, we see predator escape

    • f at moderate level, we see predator control

    • f at high level destabilizes the system

    • f at a very high level drives to collapse (extinction)


Soetaert, Karline, Thomas Petzoldt, and R. Woodrow Setzer. 2010. “Solving Differential Equations in r: Package desolve” 33.
Stevens, Martin Henry Hoffman. 2009. A Primer of Ecology with r. Springer.